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                                                                                                                                CIB WebEx Terms of Service

Welcome to Commercial International Bank (Egypt), CIB, Online meeting portal.

Please read these Terms of Service carefully. These Terms of Service create an agreement (the "Agreement") between internal and external users and CIB.


All internal and external users must agree to this Agreement before using the Services. If you do not agree to this Agreement, please click the "Cancel"/"Back" button and do not use the Services.


1.     Requirements for Use

To access the Services, you will need your own computer and high-speed internet access.

2.     Registration

Host: User to be a staff member of CIB Team. To register, you will need to send a Service Desk Request to the IT Service Desk. You can contact the IT Service Desk Team @ ext 2666 or through e-Mail to You are held responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your Registration Information and for any and all activity that occurs under your account. You agree to notify IT of any unauthorized use or breach of your account.

Meeting Participants / Invitees: No need for registration. The authorized meeting host will be sending you an invitation email with all access, and credentials required to access the online meeting. However, any credentials granted to you by the host should be handled with care and confidentiality.

3.     Data, Information and Privacy

You agree that CIB may collect, use, process and store information about you and your use of the Services, including the transfer of such information. You acknowledge that CIB acts only as a passive conduit of such information, and that CIB will not monitor or disclose such information, except as needed to provide the Service or as otherwise required by law. CIB may use information collected by Online meeting portal, including technical or diagnostic information, your suggestions or feedback, to maintain, improve and enhance the Services.

4.     Your Responsibilities as a User to CIB Online Meeting Portal; License to Your Content

·         You are responsible for the content of all visual, written or audible communications, files, documents, videos, recordings, and any other material ("Content") used in connection with your account. CIB will not be liable to you or any others for any loss or damages due to your use of the Services. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless CIB from any and all third party claims, liability, damages and/or costs (including, but not limited to, attorneys' fees) arising from your violation of this Section 4.

·         You agree not to upload, post, email, store, transmit, or otherwise make available any Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically, or otherwise deemed objectionable by WebEx or its affiliates.

·         You agree not to upload, post, email, store, transmit, or otherwise make available any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letter," "pyramid schemes," "affiliate links," or any other form of solicitation.

·         You agree not to upload, post, email, store, transmit, or otherwise make available any Content that violates copyright, trademark or other laws protecting intellectual property, or that violates an individual's publicity or privacy rights.

·         You agree not to upload, download, transmit, store, or otherwise make available any code or material that harms or interferes with any device, software, network or service.

·         You agree not to violate any laws or regulations in your state or country (including but not limited to laws governing intellectual property rights, online conduct or online content).

·         You declare that you have all the rights, licenses, and permissions from your organization to use, reproduce, publish, and display Content belonging to others.

·         You declare that you will comply with all Information security, and that no Customer Data, Cards numbers or any confidential data will be transmitted through the online service, without getting the appropriate internal approvals.

Online Meeting Portal ( has no control over, and is not responsible for, the privacy of any Content that you have shared with others so always use caution when giving out any personally identifiable or sensitive information.

5.     Software

You may be required to download and install WebEx software ("Software"). In that event, WebEx agrees to provide you with a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable license to use the Software in accordance to the terms of this Agreement. You may not use the Software for anything other than as intended by WebEx in connection with your use of the Online Services. You may not use the Software with any device, program or service designed to circumvent technological measures employed to control access to, or the rights in, a content file or other work protected by copyright laws. All rights not expressly granted by WebEx are hereby reserved. You agree not to take any action to interfere with WebEx's or its supplier's ownership of or rights in the Software. You undertake that, unless otherwise permitted in this license or by law, you will not: (i) reproduce, republish, display, frame, download, distribute, or transmit the Software; (ii) to the extent permitted under applicable law redistribute, encumber, sell, rent, lease, loan, sublicense, assign, or otherwise transfer rights to the Software; (iii) modify or create any derivative works based on the Software, including customization, translation, or localization; (iv) copy, reproduce, reuse in another product or service, modify, alter, or display in any manner any software or files, or parts thereof, included as part of the Software; (v) except to the extent expressly permitted by law, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to derive the source code of the Software, or in any way ascertain, decipher, or obtain the communications protocols for accessing the Software, or the underlying ideas or algorithms of the Software; (vi) create or use any software other than as authorized by WebEx to access the Software; (vii) attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Software or to any account, application, platform, computer system or network associated with the Software; (viii) use the Software in any way that violates this Agreement, or any other agreements between you and WebEx or its affiliates, or any law; and (ix) remove or alter any trademark, logo, copyright or other proprietary notices, legends, symbols or labels in or on the Software or associated with the Services.

6.     Availability of the Service

The Services may not be available in all countries and it may not be available for use in any particular location. You are responsible for following the laws in your state or country. CIB may make modifications to its features or any services to comply with laws and regulations.

7.     Suspension or Termination of Your Account

You agree that CIB may suspend or terminate your access to the Services without prior notice. As a host, in case you face a problem with the service, you are asked to contact the IT Service Desk @ ext. 2666 or e-Mail

CIB may, upon such termination, deactivate or delete your account and any related data, information, and files, and bar any further access to such data, information, and files. Such action may include, among other things, accessing your Content or data and/or discontinuing your use of the Services.

You agree that CIB has no obligation to monitor your use of the Services but has the right to do so to ensure your compliance with this Agreement, or to comply with any law, order, or requirement of any court or government authority.

You undertake to comply with the following sections of this Agreement even after you are no longer using the Services: Sections 3, 4, 5, 7, 10.

8.     Changes to Services

CIB may discontinue the Service or change the Service (including adding and deleting features) without notice.

9.     Changes to this Agreement

CIB may change the terms of this Agreement and recommends that you review them on a regular basis. You can review the most current version of this Agreement at: If CIB makes a change to the terms it will post the revised Agreement at the link above. You declare that your continued use of the Services after this Agreement has been changed means that you have agreed to the changed terms.


10.  Other Legal Terms

10.1    CIB’s Online meeting service is intended for Business Use only.

10.2    You undertake to comply with all laws and regulations in connection with your use of the Services, including, but not limited to: (a) with respect to personally identifiable information sent or received by you, all privacy laws and regulations, (b) laws relating to the recording of communications, including, when required, advising all participants in a recorded WebEx meeting or event that the meeting or event is being recorded or that Content or personal information is being transferred, and (c) laws relating to the use of VoIP-based services. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the right to use the Services where you are located. You represent that you are not a citizen of an embargoed country or a prohibited end user under applicable U.S. or local export and anti-terrorism laws, regulations and lists. You undertake not to export, re-export, divert, transfer or disclose any portion of the Services or Services websites or any related technical information or materials, directly or indirectly, in violation of any applicable export law or regulation.

10.3    This Agreement, including the documents referred to in this Agreement, are the entire agreement regarding the Services and completely replace any prior agreements. CIB may assign or delegate its rights and/or obligations under this Agreement either in whole or in part, without your prior consent.

10.4    Neither party will be responsible for failure of performance due to causes beyond its control, like, for example, accidents of God, labor disputes, shortage of materials, acts of terrorism, or the stability or availability of the Internet or a portion of the Internet.

10.5    If for any reason, a provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, the remaining provisions will continue to be valid and enforceable.

10.6    This agreement shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Arab Republic of Egypt. Any dispute and/or controversy arising out of, or in relation to the interpretation and/or the execution of this agreement shall be settled by courts of Giza, Egypt.




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